
data collection abstraction awareness the correlation between beautiful and kitch

Data is a thing that is collected to provide sufficient and needed information about a certain issue.The process of collecting data is necessary in every field of life since most of the things necessitate a wise knowledge to deal with certain topics,so the relevant information should be gathered to better understand the issues.
The act of noticing or perceiving something in life with the help of the five senses(sight,smell,touch,hear and taste).It is a method to better understand things or what is going on.
It is the process of reducing or taking away things in order to have the ones in hand which are relevant for a particular purpose.There are many things to talk about this concept,for example, it can be even applied to art.This method eliminates unnecessary things and helps us to concentrate on the essential part.
Awareness is the ability to be alert in observing or can be defined as alertness in gathering information.According to Wikipedia,in terms of psychology it is related to a human’s or animal’s perception and cognitive reaction to a condition or event and does not have to imply understanding,it is just “an ability to be conscious of,feel or perceive
Firsth of all the word"kitch" was unfamilier with me but I tried to gather some information through data collection to better understand the beautiful and kitsch concepts in photography.After getting sufficient information and having enough knowledge about what kind of images I should take, I tried to look at my around in campus more carefully trying to notice or perceive something that with the help me under the subject of “beautiful and kitsch”; that is, a careful observation is needed for this.Of course, the ability to be alert in observing and gathering information (awareness) played an important role in making a careful observation.As mentioned above,abstraction is to reduce or taking away things to have only the relevant and required ones for us.I think,abstraction was a necessity for this study.Because,I needed to concentrate on the beautiful and kitsch concepts in the step of taking photos,so I sometimes had to extract irrelevant images to only focus on the concepts.
