
data collection abstraction awareness the correlation between beautiful and kitch

Data is a thing that is collected to provide sufficient and needed information about a certain issue.The process of collecting data is necessary in every field of life since most of the things necessitate a wise knowledge to deal with certain topics,so the relevant information should be gathered to better understand the issues.
The act of noticing or perceiving something in life with the help of the five senses(sight,smell,touch,hear and taste).It is a method to better understand things or what is going on.
It is the process of reducing or taking away things in order to have the ones in hand which are relevant for a particular purpose.There are many things to talk about this concept,for example, it can be even applied to art.This method eliminates unnecessary things and helps us to concentrate on the essential part.
Awareness is the ability to be alert in observing or can be defined as alertness in gathering information.According to Wikipedia,in terms of psychology it is related to a human’s or animal’s perception and cognitive reaction to a condition or event and does not have to imply understanding,it is just “an ability to be conscious of,feel or perceive
Firsth of all the word"kitch" was unfamilier with me but I tried to gather some information through data collection to better understand the beautiful and kitsch concepts in photography.After getting sufficient information and having enough knowledge about what kind of images I should take, I tried to look at my around in campus more carefully trying to notice or perceive something that with the help me under the subject of “beautiful and kitsch”; that is, a careful observation is needed for this.Of course, the ability to be alert in observing and gathering information (awareness) played an important role in making a careful observation.As mentioned above,abstraction is to reduce or taking away things to have only the relevant and required ones for us.I think,abstraction was a necessity for this study.Because,I needed to concentrate on the beautiful and kitsch concepts in the step of taking photos,so I sometimes had to extract irrelevant images to only focus on the concepts.



beautiful and kitch



What does “iterative” mean? & What does “sequential” mean?

Iteration means the act of repetition with improving the results accuracy each time by the knowledge gained from the previous one. simply it means the repetition of an action. Iteration starts with a defined initial conditions which is called an iterative step or a termination condition and cycles around.In contrast to the waterfaall, which has no chance to go back if there is a mistake , iterative model has iterations and if there is a problem this iteration gives possibility to user to evaluate the effectiveness, control and change each.

What does “sequential” mean?
Simply, sequential can be defined as a fixed order
Like sequence ,which means the ordered list of objects or events, sequential in science means a list of methods which is involved in testing a hypothesis is made to accept or reject the hypothesis or to continue sampling. In the type of development, the process and stages follow each other and do not allow us to move to the 2nd stage of development until we complete the first one. there is a close similarity of this model with the one of waterfall; however, it also differs from the iterative model since in sequential model it is important to complete one activity before passing the other one.

What is a “life cycle”?

Life cycle means the all of the events which occurs during an individuals or a products lifetime in a process. For instance , in the life cycle of a plant, seeds are dropped in the ground; soil, water, and compost help the plants grow; the plants drop seeds; the plants die and become compost; new seeds grow into new plants. So the cycle is completed. A product life cycle is similar. A simple life cycle could be considered into five phases :embryonic, executive management acceptance, live management acceptance, growth and maturity.


What is a “process”?

It comes from a Latin word which meansmovement”. The range of applications process is very wide. However its general definition can be givenformed as a set of related resources and activities which transforms input into outputs” .Business process starts with a customers needs and ends with the fulfillment of these needs. There are three types of business process Management Operational Processes, Supporting Processes,

What is an “event”?

The wordeventhas some definitions due to where it is used but event generally is something that happens at a given place and a time.The areas that it mostly used in are science and technology. Events cause significant changes at the projects and events can cause other events called event chains. The moment that event occurs may cause important and unexpected deviations. These kind of events that have great effects on the projects are calledcritical events”.

What does “relevance/relevant” mean?

Relevance is a term used to describe how pertinent, connected, or applicable some information is to a given matter. It has unique significance in a variety of fields. Relevance describes how closely the contents of an information source match the topics .it is essential to conclude that in all aspects of life while dealing with certain kind of problems, it is very important to gather relevant information.

What does “reliability” mean?

reliability is the ability of a person or system to perform and maintain its functions in routine circumstances, as well as hostile or unexpected circumstances. In statistics, reliability is directly related to the accordance of a number of measurements.

There are four types of reliability: namely inter-rater or inter-observer reliability test-retest reliability parallel-forms reliability internal consistency reliability.

Inter-Rater or Inter-Observer Reliability

Inter-rater or inter-observer reliability is the evaluation of degrees which observers gives consistently to the same phenomenon.

Test-Retest Reliability

It means the measurement of a consistency from time to time.

Parallel-Forms Reliability

Evaluation of the consistency of the results of two tests held in the same way.

Internal Consistency Reliability

Evaluation of the consistency of results across items within a test.

what does significance means

Significance can be defined as the extent to which something matters; importance, but this brief explanation does not express much thing. in statistics it means probably true. When a statistic is significant it simply means that you are very sure that the statistic is reliable .the wordsignificantcan also be used to describe a finding that is unlikely to have occurred by chance, while some others use it to describe a difference or relationship that may be important by some researchers.

What does “validation/validity” mean?

Validity underscores the power of our deductions and how accurate our theories, arguments or statistical results are .It is also vital for a test to be valid in order for the results to be accurately applied. Validation is the process of determining that the project is eligible to be registered, by confirming that the project meets the requirements. Criterion related validity Construct validity Content validity are the types of validity.




What is “waterfall diagram”?

Waterfall diagram is a model which has no turning back just like a waterfall. Waterfall diagrams are three dimensional plots which show the result in the form of mountains shapes.Like a waterfall flow down from a mountain can never flow up again , the process taken in waterfall method can not be done again. Water fall diagram s allow for departmentalization and managerial control. On the other hand its most serious disadvantage is that it does not allow revision .

What is “snowball effect”?

Snowball effect is a growing process. Snowball effect is a growing process that starts from an initial state of small significance and builds upon itself, becoming larger and perhaps potentially dangerous or disastrous. It is like a rolling snowball , as it rolls, the ball pick up more snow, gain more mass and pick up even more snow as it rolls along. The term of Snowball Effect is mostly used for very small and insignificant things to grow up exponentially and become very significant .It can also be used to describe things which show a rapid growth.

What is “model”?

Model can be defined roughly as a miniature system which is the representation of a thing. In fact, There are various definitions of model and model types. Business model , economic model mathematical model computer model are just some examples of model types. business model is the most important of these .business model is a simplified definition of how a company does business without having to go into the complex details of all its hierarchies, workflows, strategy, processes, units, rules and systems. To conclude, model is the main object of system or concept.

What is “control”?

Control is ability and power to make something do what you want. Controlling is a process that helps to check and correct the errors. When we consider this word in business it becomes the ability to make some certain decisions regarding corporate actions. According to Henry Fayol, control of an undertaking consists of seeing that everything is being carried out in accordance with the plan which has been adopted, the orders which have been given, and the principles which have been laid down. Its object is to point out mistakes in order that they may be rectified and prevented from recurring. There are many characteristics of control. Some of them are continuous process, management process, embedded in each level of organisational hierarchy, forward looking, closely linked with planning. Control system involves four basic elements: the characteristic or condition to be controlled, the sensor, the comparator, and the activator.





What is “plan”?

It is defined as a systematic arrangements of elements and important parts; a configuration or outline and its basic meaning is given by a scheme,program,or method worked in detail to accomplish an object.Plans can be categorized into informal and formal plans. Informal plans are created by individuals to control their own lives easily. Formal plans are used for business, projects or military purposes. It helps planners to organize the actions and to be successful in that area.


What does “paradigm” mean?

Paradigm is a system of assumptions, concepts and practices.Paradigms help community view the reality in an intellectual discipline.Thomas Kuhn is one of the important person for the subject of paradigms.Thomas Kuhn gave this word a contemporary meaning.The contemporary meanings of paradigm are way of thinking” andapproach to a problem”.


What is “strategy”?

The word of strategy derives from Greek. It is a combination of the words stratos (army) and ago. It had a military meaning and called as steps to reach the target in wars. in todays world strategy means the combination of ideas, thoughts, beliefs, insights, experiences, expectations, tactics, observations, previsions, analysis and methods to reach the specified aims. It is generally thought as a long term plan but, there is no restriction to create short term strategies. This notion usually confuses people because plans or tactics may be served as strategies. Strategies should define the objective clearly and should not involve darkness. People use this word in several different areas, but it is obvious ,but no matter where it is used ,it has the same meaning: the path to reach the goals.

What does “hypothesis” mean?

Hypothesis is a suggestion intended to explain certain facts or observations. Scientific hypothesis is a scientific idea about how something works, before the idea has been tested. Scientific hypothesis should include several properties such as testability, simplicity, scope - the apparent application of the hypothesis to multiple cases of phenomena, fruitfulness - the prospect that a hypothesis may explain further phenomena in the future, conservatism - the degree of "fit" with existing recognized knowledge-systems.


what is "theory"

Theory is the body of principles, ideas ,rules, and techniques which applies to a specific subject. Theories can contain facts and laws and tested hypotheses .It can be derived from the expressions of a system. In fact , theory is appeared after hypothesis in scientific method it is an acceptance about a subject in a particular field but it is not just a guess it should be well-substantiated knowledge. Moreover, theory has many different meanings depending on their methodologies.


What does “methodology” mean?

Methodology is the analysis of the fundamentals of methods or rules used by a discipline. methodology includes the methods, techniques used to collect and analyze information. Methodology has the principles, practices and procedures in a field of study. It is the theoretical analysis of the methods. Methodology is the method you used to do something. For instance you had to do a research project as a college homework, you would plan out what you were going to do then do it then analyze your data and write up your results.


What does “method” mean?

A method basically is an approach, technique, or procedure of doing a particular thing in accordance with a specific program.


What is a “problem”?

A problem is a condition which has to be solved for accessing the result and achieving the desired aim. A problem is an obstacle which makes it difficult to achieve a desired goal, objective or purpose. It refers to a situation, condition, or issue that is yet unresolved.




The word "engine" comes from the Latin the word "ingenium" in Latin means "innate quality. engineering began with the invention of the stuff such as pulley, wheel and lever in the history, the first real engineers were the military engineers. Military engineers were technicians and soldiers who were working and fighting for their countries. Their main mission was to supply the technical demands of the army such as bridges, roads and fortifications. After military engineering, the second type of engineering appeared was the "civil engineering" whose mission is to work on buildings. A lot of different kinds of engineering came up.
after 18.century, synchronized with the development in technology, The first electrical engineer is considered as William Gilbert who originated the term “electricity”. With the invention of the first “steam engine”, mechanical engineering was started by Thomas Survey. During the “Industrial Revolution” “chemical engineering” appeared which got its rise from mechanical engineering. After the World War Second “The Second Industrial Revolution” happened. In nineties, with the development of computer technology, computer engineer Alan Emtage built the first search engine.
Since engineering was born in military, the education which is given to the officers can be considered as the first education of engineering. However, the first schools of engineering was founded in France, in the middle of 18th century. After 19th century the first engineering curriculums was developed in America and Europe, and they were more or less the same. However they were still classified with respect to some basic differences. The English mode was used at Yale and Harvard. Today there are a lot of technical universities like MIT.



As technology develops day by day, engineering needs to be split into different specialties. Today’s world needs different and special needs. Creation of structures, machines, and devices for usage of human are the points that today‘s engineers concern abaout, but they are never directly connected with people. Engineering profession differs form others by using the knowledge of mathematics and natural sciences for use of economics and benefit of people. (except for industrial engineering). As engineers can work with only an undergraduate degree in today’s Master’s degrees for engineering are getting more important day by day. One can say that “ the profession in which a knowledge of mathematical and natural sciences gained by study, experience, and practice is applied with judgment to develop ways to utilize, economically, the materials and forces of nature for benefit of mankind”.
Reference :www.wikipedia.com